Penn Celebrates National Voter Registration Day

The University of Pennsylvania will participate in National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, Sept. 23. Penn joins more than 1,000 organizations across the country in this one-day coordinated initiative to increase voter registration and voter education.

Penn’s Office of Government and Community Affairs and Penn Leads the Vote will hold a voter registration drive outside the Graduate Student Center, 3615 Locust Walk, from noon to 2 p.m. Complimentary pocket Constitutions and U.S. flags will be available.

Students are also invited to attend a Penn Voter Education Task Force information session in Room 109 of the ARCH Building at 1 p.m. to learn about a new initiative to foster Penn’s community of regularly practicing voters. Students who join the task force will have the opportunity to build leadership skills through voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts as well as service on the campus Boards of Election on Nov. 4.

Additional information about National Voter Registration Day is at

Additional information about the Penn Voter Education Task Force is available at