Penn Co-Sponsors Conference on Latin America

WHO: Greater Philadelphia Latin American Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, Swarthmore College, University of Delaware

WHAT: "Women in Action: Social Transformation in Latin America"

WHEN: Feb. 26-27, 2004

WHERE:  Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Women activists and scholars from Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Haiti and the United States will gather for a major international symposium to discuss the role of women as agents of social change in Latin America and the United States.

Marysa Navarro, president of the Latin American Studies Association and professor of history at Dartmouth College, will deliver the keynote address in the Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall, on the Swarthmore College campus Thursday, Feb. 26, at 7:30 pm.  A reception will follow.

Panels will be held Friday, Feb. 27, in the Terrace Room, Logan Hall, on the University of Pennsylvania campus from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m.  A reception will follow.  Discussions will focus on issues such as the unsolved serial murders of women in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico; worker's rights on the U.S./Mexico border; feminist activism in democratization and demilitarization; and family-heath and reproductive rights throughout Latin America.

All events are free and open to the public.  Additional program information is available at or by calling 215-898-9919.