Penn Community Schools Celebrate Harambee Day at Malcolm X Park Postponed Until Friday
WHO: More than 400 students from four of the University of Pennsylvania’s seven University-Assisted Community School programs – those at Lea, Huey, Comegys and Wilson elementary schools -- will come together to celebrate community and to participate in group competitions.
WHAT: During Harambee, which is Swahili for “let’s bring it together,” the children will rotate through some 20 activities, concluding with the Harambee competitions between the school groups. The competitions include a series of chants, cheers, songs and dance. Harambee will also feature a read-aloud session with Johnny Irizarry from the School Reform Commission, recognitions and a theme song. The winning team will be awarded a trophy.
WHERE: Malcolm X Park, 52nd and Pine streets
WHEN: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Friday, Aug. 14; Family Harambee starts at 1 p.m.
DETAILS: Penn’s University-Assisted Community Schools are programs of the Netter Center for Community Partnerships that help to transform neighborhood schools into centers of education, services and community engagement. Penn staff coordinate University resources such as Academically Based Community Service courses and tutoring programs at the schools during the school day and operate after-school, weekend and summer programs for youth and their families.