Penn Police to Launch New Public Safety Institute

PHILADELPHIA -- The University of Pennsylvania Division of Public Safety is accepting applications for enrollment in the new Penn Public Safety Institute (PPSI), an intensive, 12-week course designed to introduce the University community to Penn's extensive public safety services and programs.

The first session, which will be comprised of Penn students, faculty, staff, and neighbors, is limited to 20 applicants. The 12 two-hour sessions are scheduled to begin on January 19. The sessions, which will be conducted by members of Penn's Division of Public Safety, will cover such topics as the criminal justice system; security technology; fire and occupational safety; firearms safety; victim support; and domestic violence. Participants will also be offered the opportunity to ride along with Penn police on patrol.

Applications may be obtained on-line at or by calling the Penn Police Department at (215) 898-9003. The program will be offered twice a year.

"We believe the Penn Public Safety Institute will enable the members of the University community to develop a greater familiarity with the wide range of programs and services that our department offers," said Thomas Seamon, Penn's vice president for Public Safety. "By learning more about what we offer, and getting to know some of the men and women who serve our community, we expect that people will be better able to use our services."

The PPSI is modeled on citizen police academies, which are offered at many police departments in the region and throughout the nation. However, Penn is unique in that additional services -- such as fire and occupational safety, and security technologies -- are integrated into one central operation.

The program will be offered twice a year. For more information call the Division of Public Safety at (215) 898-9003.