Penn School of Social Policy & Practice Unveils Centennial Wall, Celebrating 100 Years of Social Work Education


PHILADELPHIA — The University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy & Practice will unveil its new Centennial Wall, celebrating 100 years of social work education at Penn, Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 3:30 p.m.

The School commissioned Karen Singer to create the Centennial Wall, an art piece that will serve as a recognition vehicle for alumni and donors and also a historical memento to note 100 years of producing agents of social change at Penn.

Singer, a Philadelphia-based sculptor and ceramic tile maker, is a Penn alumna who has created other pieces for the School, including the large Penn shield that hangs in the newly renovated lobby of the Caster Building, home to the School.

The Centennial Wall is a mosaic-tiled, artistic impression of the original School of Social Work building that was once located near 24th and Pine streets before the School moved onto campus and into the Caster Building in the 1960s.

To mark its centennial, the School established the “100 for 100” campaign, with the goal of raising $1 million by 2010. All alumni donors who pledged more than $400 to the Annual Fund may have their names inscribed on the Wall.

Constructing the Centennial Wall is only one part of the renovations the Caster Bldg. underwent this year. Other improvements include switching the main entrance to Locust Walk plus new landscaping, a disability-compliant access ramp and a remodeled lobby.