“Salt of This Sea” Film Premieres at Penn April 21


WHO: Annemarie Jacir, filmmaker and writer

WHAT: “Salt of This Sea” film screening, followed by director discussion

WHERE: 401 Fisher-Bennet Hall, 3340 Walnut St.

WHEN: Tuesday April 21, 6 p.m.

A discussion with the director, Annemarie Jacir, moderated by University of Pennsylvania English Professor Ania Loomba, will follow the screening.

Jacir, a Palestinian filmmaker and writer, was recently listed in Filmmaker magazine as one of the top 25 new faces of independent cinema, and has had her work screened in Cannes, Venice, Locarno and Telluride.

"Salt of this Sea," which premiered in the Cannes Film Festival this year to great acclaim, is Jacir's first feature film. Starring Suheir Hammad and Salah Bakri, it has been praised as stunning, passionate and yet restrained -- a love story as well as a political exploration. Additional information is available at www.facebook.com/pages/Salt-of-This-Sea-Milh-Hadha-al-Bahr-/27276646076.

The screening, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by The Middle East Center at the University of Pennsylvania and Penn Cinema Studies.