University of Pennsylvania Honored with Clery Award for Campus Safety Improvements

PHILADELPHIA -- The University of Pennsylvania is one of two institutions of higher education selected to receive the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Award for 2003.

Established in 1994, the award is presented annually by Howard and Connie Clery in memory of their daughter Jeanne Ann to schools and individuals who have done extraordinary things to make college and university students safer.  

Jeanne Ann Clery was murdered in her Lehigh University dorm room in 1986 by a fellow student who was unknown to her.

Penn was honored for improvements it has made to its Public Safety Department during the past few years. The University of Bridgeport  (Conn.) and Kate Dieringer, a Georgetown University student, are also recipients.

"We wanted to honor the University of Pennsylvania for its innovative technological programs as well as its campus and community patrols," Howard Clery said.  "This award also lets the rest of the academic world know that schools are fighting campus crime with programs that do work."

"We are thrilled to accept the Jeanne Cleary Award for 2003," said Maureen Rush, Penn vice president of public safety.   "It is an honor to be recognized by an organization that cares deeply about the safety of students."

The Clerys founded Security On Campus Inc. in 1987 to educate students, parents and campus communities about crime; to assist victims and families; to foster campus security improvements; and to provide programs to reduce alcohol and drug abuse.