University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Fire Department to Join in High Rise Fire Exercise Nov. 11

WHAT: A fire emergency field exercise to evaluate components of the University of Pennsylvania Division of Public Safety's Crisis Management Plan.

WHO: Participating agencies include Penn's Department of Fire and Emergency Services, Police Department, Special Services, Security and Technical Services, all within the Public Safety Division; the Philadelphia Fire Department; the University of Pennsylvania Health System; Campus Apartments; and the University City District.

WHEN: 7-9:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 11.

WHERE: Chestnut Hall, 3900 Chestnut St., will be the scene of the mock fire emergency; Steinhardt Hall, 39th Street, between Walnut Street and Locust Walk, will be the site of the follow-up critique.

Reporters, photographers and videographers are invited to cover the enactment of the emergency response to an accidental fire on the 7th floor of Chestnut Hall, a high rise apartment building near the Penn campus.   

The exercise will test Penn's ability to resolve this incident using existing University resources with the normal assistance of City response agencies. In particular, the mock emergency will assess Penn's decision-making, notification and communication capabilities; the emergency management team's response effectiveness, the  liaison and information exchange with the city Fire Department; and the process of stabilizing, recovering and normalizing University operations.

The critique session will include an overview and discussion of adjustments in plans and operations that could make the participants' response more effective in the future.