Vincent Price Reappointed Provost of the University of Pennsylvania
Vincent E. Price, who has served as provost of the University of Pennsylvania since 2009, has been reappointed for an additional five-year term, to run through June 30, 2021.
Penn’s Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed the reappointment at their meeting today on the recommendation of Penn President Amy Gutmann.
“Vince Price has brought vitality and creativity – and an obvious love of Penn – to everything he has done in his role as chief academic officer,” Gutmann said. “Vince’s passion and intellect have strengthened Penn in countless ways, and his vision, superb judgment and collegiality are the standard by which all provosts should be judged. I look forward to continuing to collaborate with him in advancing our vision for Penn as the world’s most inclusive, integrated and impactful university.”
As provost, Price oversees all of Penn’s academic and campus life functions, including faculty affairs, educational and research programs and student life and intercollegiate athletics. During his first term, Price was a key contributor to Penn’s access and inclusion initiatives through the development and implementation of the Action Plan for Faculty Diversity and Excellence. He supported the integration of knowledge by spurring faculty recruitment and collaboration across schools and working to break down impediments to interdisciplinary study and research. He also advanced Penn’s leadership in open online learning, on which he is recognized as a national leader, and furthered Penn’s global engagement through initiatives such as the Perry World House and the Penn Wharton China Center in Beijing.
“I’m honored to be reappointed as provost and delighted to have this opportunity to serve Penn,” Price said. “Every day, I am inspired by and thrilled to work with our extraordinary faculty, staff and students. I look forward to continuing to work with President Gutmann, her senior leadership team, the deans and Faculty Senate tri-chairs and all the outstanding members of our community, to help advance Penn’s intellectual distinction in the years ahead.”
Price’s original seven-year appointment as provost would have expired in 2016.
“The trustees’ early decision to extend the appointment for an additional five years is a reflection of the outstanding job he has done in leading Penn’s academic enterprise,” Gutmann said.