Was 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? Experts Debate Opposing Views on the Controversy at Penn
WHO: Steven Freeman, affiliated faculty and visiting scholar at the Center for Organizational Dynamics at the University of Pennsylvania
Warren J. Mitofsky, president of Mitofsky International
WHAT: Debate on exit polling and the 2004 presidential election
WHEN: Oct. 14, 1 p.m.
WHERE: Terrace Room, Logan Hall, 249 S. 36th St., Penn campus.
Steven Freeman, an affiliated faculty member at Penn's Center for Organizational Dynamics, will present his research findings in a talk entitled "Polling Bias or Election Fraud? An Examination of State-Level Discrepancies between the Official Count and Exit Poll Results in the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election."
Warren Mitofsky, president of Mitofsky International, the research firm that conducted the 2004 presidential election exit polls exclusively for news organizations, will counter with "2004 Exit Polls: What Bloggers and Others Got Wrong."
The event, sponsored by Penn's Center for Organizational Dynamics and Penn's Political Science Department, is part of the fall meeting of the Philadelphia chapter of the American Statistical Association.