West Philadelphia Students Promote Healthy Living at "Eat to Live" Celebration
WHO: Students from University City High School, Drew Elementary School and Sayre Middle School; staff of Penn's Urban Nutrition Initiative
WHAT:Food, games, crafts, entertainers (musicians, jugglers, etc.) will be on hand to celebrate healthy eating and living and the success of the Urban Nutrition Initiative's partnership with the schools.
WHEN:Thursday, June 9, Noon - 4:30 p.m.
WHERE:University City High School, 36th and Filbert streets
The Urban Nutrition Initiative is a university-community partnership to improve community nutrition and wellness by working with University of Pennsylvania faculty and students, public school teachers and community residents to make schools centers of community health promotion, places where active, healthy lifestyles are an integral part of education.
The centerpiece of UNI's West Philadelphia initiatives is the University City High School garden, which was started in 2000 and is tended by students. Classes from Drew Elementary School, Sayre Middle School and UCHS use the garden to learn math, science, social studies, language arts and art.
A group of UCHS students use the garden as the center of their after-school job-training program. The garden serves as a classroom and also as a production center for them, as they grow crops to sell at a weekly farmers' market.