How we resolve to enter the millennium
We wondered how the forthcoming millennium might affect our New Year's resolutions - Swear that we'd go to church more frequently? Promise to call our mother every day? Promise to give up cursing, or drinking or dancing?
Nuh-uh. Not Penn students.
This is a group focused on the here and now, for the most part. Eat less. Pump iron. Earn more. Sleep right.
Our own resolutions are not so different, like never miss a single episode of "That 70's Show;" worry not at all about Y2K, and see every movie that's up for an Academy Award. We're waiting for the true millennium, 2001, to get serious - not.
- James Blumenthal, College, Class of 1999
"My resolution is to take it easy next semester so I can get some rest before law school." - Nimita Shah, M & T, Class of 2001
"I need to study more next semester because it's a very important year for me." - Ranil DeSilva, College, Class of 2002
"I'm going to work out and lose weight next year so I look attractive to all the ladies out there." - Maryellen Keeney, College, Class of 2000
"For my New Year's resolution, I usually try to be more appreciative of the positive things in my life and make greater efforts to be a kinder individual. I usually focus on this because in the stresses of daily life, I often take things for granted." - Ramon Luciano, Wharton, Class of 1999
"I don't believe in those. Why? Because no one ever follows through on them." - Hai Ton, SEAS, Class of 2002
"I just have to make sure I get back on normal sleeping patterns next year. That's my number one goal. Up all night and sleep all day just does not work." - Lluwahn Henry, College, Class of 2001
"I guess my New Year's resolution is to get more hours at work so I can make more money so that I can buy my boyfriend lots of gifts [said as her boyfriend stands next to her]." - Rhonda Iona, Wharton, Class of 2002
"My New Year's resolution is always a long list of things. But I guess one of the more important things for me every year is to take a look at my life and decide what I'm doing right and just expand on those good things." - Monica Maccani, College, Class of 1999
"My resolution is to get 3.5 GPA. It's an achievable goal." - Vladimir Galiote, Wharton, Class of 2000
"New Year's Resolution? I don't know...To settle down and make little babies, of course."- Nathaniel Glasser
- Next issue - Our reporter on Locust Walk wants to know the best CD of 1998.