Moot, not mute

In the Law School's Keedy Cup moot court competition, Jan. 28, Andrea M. Ortbals (left) won as best oralist, and Thomas Wallerstein and Mala Ahuja won as the best team. They argued a challenge to the constitutionality of the "Gang Congregation Ordinance" enacted by Chicago in 1992. In the case of the City of Chicago vs. Morales, Ortbals (with Prof. David Rudovsky standing in for her partner) argued on behalf of the City of Chicago and its right to disperse suspected gang members loitering in public spaces, and Ahuja and Wallerstein argued on behalf of Jesus Morales et al. The moot court judges were Chief Justice Deborah Poritz of the New Jersey Supreme Court, Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.of the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, and Judge A. Wallace Tashima of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The cup competition, founded by the late Dean Edwin R. Keedy, is the culmination of the Law School's intramural brief writing and oral advocacy moot court tournament.

Photo by Mark Garvin

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