We saw it in a magazine...

...but not in a 'zine or an e-zine. No one chose Salon, Slate, Suck, Feed, Word, or Timothy McSweeney's Internet Tendency. Yoohoo, Penn. There's a big e-world of e-words out on the Internet. But all that fuss in the media about new forms of communication hasn't had a big impact here.

The world of words on paper had a bigger draw than e-lit. But then there were some folks who said they did not read any magazine on a regular basis or did not read at all. No, they were not embarrassed. We were a little miffed that no one picked the Pennsylvania Current as their favorite, but then, we're not exactly a magazine.

  • Lluwahn Henry, College, Class of '01

    "I think my favorite magazine is Cosmopolitan because it's funny and sexy."

  • Larry Bish, College, Class of '02

    "Have you ever read Maxim before? That's pretty good."

  • Chris Stephan-Jones, College, Class of '00

    "Entertainment Weekly because I'm going into the entertainment industry, and it tells me what good movies are out."

  • Liz Norris, College, Class of '00

    "I don't read."

  • Anita Whitley, Staff, 1920 Commons

    "I like Jet magazine because it gives more insight on what's going on with the African-American people and it shows how far they've gotten in life."

  • Vinay Singh, SEAS/Wharton, Class of '01

    "Probably Time because it has a lot of pertinent information but presents it in a manner that's not as sophisticated as, say, The Wall Street Journal."

  • Ben Berman, College, Class of '01

    "Newsweek because it keeps me informed and goes in-depth into the major issues that affect our lives."

  • Lucas Marchante, Spanish 202 professor

    "Architectural Digest because I like architecture and the arts."

  • Shek Muhamadiev, Wharton/College, Class of '00

    "I don't really read magazines."

  • Lisa Zigarmi, College, Class of '02

    "I like People because it's a mix of articles and celebrities and current issues."

  • Amy Chin, Wharton, Class of '99

    "I would say Reader's Digest because it has a variety of sections from humor to personal stories to news."

  • Gregory Krykewycz, College, Class of '01

    "National Geographic because of the nature photographs; I use them for art projects."

-Nathaniel Glasser

Next issue - Our reporter on Locust Walk wants to know your favorite campus performing-arts group.

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