Go play — and learn — in the garden

The gardens and arboretums of the Philadelphia-Wilmington region are more than landscapes of beauty. They’re fun and educational, too. And a new guide for families is designed to help parents and children learn about nature while exploring the region’s gardens.

The “Children’s Fun Guide,” produced by the Gardens Collaborative, based at Penn’s Morris Arboretum, contains 44 pages of fun facts, tips and activities for families. Tied to the collections and displays of the collaborative’s 25 member gardens, including the Arboretum and Historic Bartram’s Garden, the book even has a section on gardening activities that children and parents can do at home.

The guide is available at all of the member gardens, or can be ordered by mail (include $4 for shipping and handling) from The Gardens Collaborative, 9414 Meadowbrook Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19118.

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