M-word break
The winter break of the so-called millennium is fast approaching (aaargh, we mentioned it), and some of you have noticed and made some pretty wild plans. But only a few of you seem really worried about just another calendar date. Far more scary and far less airy is the prospect of final exams. Pass or die. And then go home and recover.
Adam McCabe, Engineering ’99
“I’m Snoop Doggy Dogg trying to get a jobby job, and for New Year’s I’m taking a cruise.”
Jessica Chao, Nursing ’02
“I’m gonna go home and play with my brothers; they’re 6 and 12. I’m going to decide what I want to do with the rest of my life.”
Kevin Dougherty, College ’00
“Since I’m convinced the world is going to end, I talked some of my friends into going to Amsterdam and London with me over the break. We’re arriving in London on the 31st just in time to join in the millennium madness in Trafalgar Square. It’s kind of exciting to think that I will be experiencing 2000 before everyone here — at least for a few hours.”
Josh Davis, College ’01
“Nothing big. I’m going abroad next semester, so I’ll be getting ready for that. I don’t have plans for the millennium yet.”
Lili Grunwald, College ’01
“I’m going to Mexico for a week of swing dancing there. I’m also going to Florida too. I’m having a good winter break!”
Genevieve Rivera, Nursing ’02
“I’m going home. Hopefully I’ll catch up on some much needed sleep.”
Wesley Fung, College Õ02
“I’m going home to L.A. to spend time with my family, maybe go skiing with them or something.”
David McCarthy, Wharton Ph.D.
“I’m going home to South Africa, to lie in the sun next to the pool and read a few good books. I will be celebrating the millennium at my sister’s new house with my niece and the rest of my family, including our dogs. I will return well rested and with a tan.”
John Baker, Wharton ’00
“When I’m not partying like it’s 1999, I’m going to decide whether I should work for Goldman, McKinsey, Chase, Merrill Lynch, or McDonald’s.”
Michelle Henry, College ’01
“I’m going home to work.”
Eric Mandel, College ’03
“I’m flying all the way back to Portland, Ore. I’m also flying in on my sister’s birthday, so it’ll be an extra surprise present for her.”
Ethan Kay, Wharton ’03
“I’m going to Israel with Hillel. I’m very excited because it’ll be my first trip to that part of the world.”
Elizabeth Martin, Social Work Master’s
“I can’t even think past Thanksgiving break yet.”
— Katie Alex, Grace Enriquez and Laura Spadanuta