Lovers' lanes
Valentine’s Day is just the warm up for spring fever. To help you prepare, we researched the best smooching zones on campus, no easy task because so many were too shy to kiss and tell. For every attributable answer, we got three anonymous ones. So thanks to these bold Romeos and Juliets who, in the interest of promoting your love life, went public with where on campus to live out private lives.
Todd Leri, Engineering ’03
“The rooftop lounge of Harnwell House — then you take them into the stairwell.”
Hayong Kim, Engineering ’01
“Behind Goddard Labs, near the botanical garden and the pine trees. Other romantic places are the walkway behind Steiny-D, the bridge, the high-density stacks, the crawl space of Hill. . . “
Matt Robusto, Engineering ’00
“Not the ‘Love’ sign. Some romantic things are the roof of DRL, the magically suspended lily pads in the fountain near Steiny-D and in the Bio Pond.”
Jon Herrmann, Wharton ’00
“The Bio Pond, the basement of the quad and the roof of Logan.”
Evie Dean, College ’02
“The courtyard between Vance and McNeil in the spring at night.”
Michelle Alig, College ’01
“Well, I would definitely say under ‘The Button’ and in the stacks of Van Pelt … just kidding. Seriously, though, Penn isn’t very romantic. Maybe on Hill field late at night alone. . .”
Rachel Chu, College ’00
“The Fisher Fine Arts Library, the fountain behind Steinberg-
Dietrich — when it’s filled — Bucks Coffee, the Inn at Penn. . .”
Arthur daSilva, Wharton ’01
“I guess the Bio Pond is somewhat romantic. And there’s a Thai restaurant on Chestnut between 39th and 40th that’s a great place for a date.”
Vicky Sin, College ’00
“‘The Button’ … just kidding! The Bio Pond, Smith Walk in the Engineering quad, in front of College Hall. . .”
Rachel Smith, College ’02
“I guess the Bio Pond is a pretty romantic place.”
Mark Kurish, College/Engineering ’01
“There aren’t really any romantic places at Penn.”
Ewelina Lesniak, Engineering ’03
“The benches and trees in front of the Fine Arts library.”
Elisa Trucco, College ’02
“There’s nothing really at Penn. I prefer Rittenhouse Square.”
Nelly Lefebvre, Engineering ’01 (Exchange student)
“The inside of the Palladium.”
Benoit Enaugh, Engineering ’01 (Exchange student)
“The Bio Pond.”
— Katie Alex