Pan Asian house director named

Karen Su, Ph.D., has been named director of the University’s newly-created Pan Asian-American Community House (PAACH). Formed in response to the growing Asian presence on Penn’s campus, PAACH will serve as a resource center for the Penn community concerning Asian-American issues and the role that Asian-Americans have played in the history and culture of America.

Su will help recruit and retain Asian-American students and assist the Penn community in exploring issues related to the Asian-American experience. She will organize conferences and public events and provide research materials and resources concerning Asian-American political, cultural and community issues.

“I want to make it a priority for PAACH to develop programs that play critical roles in forming closer ties between Penn and the Asian-American communities in Philadelphia and beyond,” said Su.

Su was also named assistant director of the Asian-American Studies Program. Earlier this year, she served as a consultant on a revision of the Asian-American unit in the curriculum of the School District of Philadelphia.

Su has a Ph.D. in English with a concentration in Asian-American literature from the University of California, Berkeley.

Richard Haavisto, a doctoral student in the department of anthropology, has been named the new house dean of Harrison College House. He replaces Art Casciato, who has taken on the directorship of the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships. Haavisto is a former graduate associate in Harrison.