Night moves

When a night at the library just doesn’t do it anymore, and sitting on the couch watching “Friends” has lost its sparkle, it’s time to hit the town. Whether searching for the hottest up-and-coming nightspot or returning to a timeless classic, Penn students do actually know that there is a vibrant city waiting on the other side of the Schuylkill. So where do they go?

John Buchanan, College ’01
El Mariachi is fun — it’s a different kind of place, different than a typical nightclub, with its Latin flair.

Melissa Kaufman, College ’03
A night in Chinatown after a day of shopping. We ended with dinner at Penang — the dishes are exotic and it’s a very cool and chill atmosphere. I’ve gotta go back soon.

Sara Lavipour, College ’01
Continental. You feel really classy when you go out and are drinking martinis, and even if you don’t like the strongest drink, they have a great chocolate or espresso martini. The food is good as well — excellent sushi rolls.

Dan Khouri, College/Engineering ’02
Old City for sure. Restaurant would be Buddakan. Bar would be Paradigm. Strip club would be Delilah’s.

Jana Weiss, Engineering ’02
Porcini for dinner and then I like McGillin’s bar. It’s just like a chill atmosphere, fun and there are lots of people. [McGillin’s is] on a little side street in the 13th & Sansom area, but I always just stumble onto it.

Josh Rosenberg, College ’01
Chemistry in Manayunk. I’ve been there a couple of times. There’s a lot of high school kids there though.

Sue Casey, College of General Studies ’02
Bar Noir. It’s sort of cheesy and trendy but it’s fun and they have good music.

Matthew Grove, College ’02
Two Sisters on 12th & Pine. They have the best apple pie on the Eastern seaboard — with cinnamon ice cream. It could warm even the coldest heart.

Josh Wechter, Wharton & College ’03
The key is to get off campus. You’d probably want to start at a nice restaurant — I really want to try Blue Angel. But you can never fail with Chinatown and cheap Chinese food with friends. Then head to the Ritz East for a movie. No night is complete without Painted Parrot for dessert — the night revolves around that.

Jason Schlachter, College ’03
Dante & Luigi’s for dinner, and then you can walk around on the river or by Rittenhouse Square or South Street and see stuff. Parts of Philly are actually OK for that.

— Katie Claypoole