The Philadelphia Zoo, Buddhism and fundraising

Attending the theater in London or going wine tasting at a Philadelphia restaurant do not constitute your typical college classes. However, these are among the Special Programs courses offered by the College of General Studies this fall. These non-credit seminars and workshops are open to all adults — no Penn affiliation is required.

CGS offers Special Programs courses in the spring, summer and fall. The Fall 2001 courses include a wide variety of themes, ranging from arts and culture to executive administration. Some classes are meant solely for personal enrichment, while others teach professional skills.

Classes intended for personal enrichment include:

Adult Zoo Camps held at the Philadelphia Zoo—Activities include presentations by animal keepers and behind-the-scenes tours of facilities.

Music and Opera in Paris—This program includes musical performances in Paris, guided tours of the city and discussions about the history of music theater.

Buddhism’s Flowering in America: An Inside View—A more traditional workshop covering contemporary Buddhist thought, approaches to modern problems, and a visit to the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology.

Courses covering professional development include:

Strategies for Speaking Under Pressure—This class includes both lecture and discussion, teaching the skills necessary to present an effective speech, even under limited time.

Using the Internet for Fundraising—This lecture course teaches how to utilize the resources of the Internet to enhance fundraising activities. CGS offers certificate programs in Executive Administration, Program Management, and Fundraising, the latter for administrators of non-profit organizations. Additionally, CGS offers a certificate in Communication for Professionals.

Some classes last for several sessions over several weeks, while others include only one meeting. Locations also vary with the course. Although most classes are held on the University of Pennsylvania campus, some are held at special locations.

The costs of the programs vary, depending on the activity. Alumni and WHYY members are eligible for a discount. Also, non-profit arts and culture organizations participating in the professional skills programs may be eligible for partial scholarship assistance.

All the courses have minimum and maximum enrollment, so would-be students should register early.

How to enroll

More information on all the Special Programs offered this Fall can be found on the College of General Studies website at Those interested in enrolling in one of the Special Programs at the College of General Studies can register by phone at (215) 898-6479, by fax at (215) 573-2053, by mail to Special Programs, College of General Studies, 3440 Market Street, Suite 100, Philadelphia, PA 19104-3335 or in-person at the above location between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.