Fall TV shows

The tube is once again buzzing with activity. With the onset of fall, we have a whole new range of shows to choose from. Some of these will soon rocket to popularity and some will simply nosedive into oblivion. Curious? Then read on and take your pick. After all, this is a time for discovery.

Annette Lawson
Receptionist, Wharton

“I mostly watch Channel 12, the ‘how to’ station. It’s educational. I watch Discovery Channel, ‘National Geographic’ and cooking shows because they are at my interest level. ...I really dislike ‘Whose Line is it Anyway?’ It’s just an awful, awful show. ”

Peter Arnold
Assistant security manager, Wharton

“I watch a lot of cable TV. I also watch ‘Sopranos,’ but mostly the re-runs because I missed the first season. I like watching cable because it has no commercials. But I do like ‘Sopranos’ because it has mystery sometimes...I dislike the shows that my kids watch, like ‘Nick at Night.’ They are just juvenile and uninteresting.”

Margaret Mary Thomas
Administrative assistant, College of Arts and Sciences

“I like ‘Everybody Loves Raymond.’ It’s very family oriented. It brings back memories of my children when they were at that age. ...The show I wouldn’t ever watch would be ‘NYPD Blue.’ There is too much vulgarity, too much language. I turned it off just looking at the highlights.”

Bob Schoenberg
Director, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Center

“I don’t remember being impressed by any of the new fall television shows. I saw ‘Pasadena,’ which was kind of interesting but I doubt I will see it again. I also saw the new show with Ellen. I was looking forward to it, but was disappointed after I saw it. I tuned into ‘Inside Schwartz,’ which I felt was pretty inane. However, I also saw ‘Undeclared,’ which is from the same people that made ‘Freaks and Geeks.’ It is ‘“Freaks and Geeks” Go To College.’ I found it amusing.”

Kristin R. McJunkins
Freshman Services, College of Arts and Sciences

“I enjoy ‘West Wing.’ I find the dynamics of the cast very interesting. I like the way the show is run. And I learned a lot about government. ...I dislike all reality shows. I just think they are ridiculous. Nor do I like day time talk shows.”

Mary Wheeler
Administrative coordinator, South Asian Regional Studies

“I would have to say ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer.’ Every episode has its own story. It is not so formulaic. Keeps you coming back. The two-hour premiere last night was amazing.”

Susan Lippo
Coordinator, Orthopedic Surgery & Research

“I saw ‘The Education of Max Bickford.’ I liked it. In fact, I couldn’t wait to see the second episode!”

—Abhimanyu Prakash and Malaina Freedman