The things we fall for

The recent heat wave notwithstanding, fall is in the air. That brings with it some characteristic activities, like football, watching the leaves turn—then raking them—and getting the fireplace ready for the winter season.

We know that these activities aren’t the only things people do in the fall, though. We went over to the Nursing and Medical schools to ask people, “What’s your favorite fall activity?” While all of the traditional activities turned up in the responses we got, including Thanksgiving dinner, the chill in the air also got some of our respondents thinking of winter as well.

Alex Theos
Ph.D. student, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

“I like crawling into bed and watching a movie and drinking something hot.”

Eisould Dunphy
Research Specialist, Radiation Oncology

“Walking, particularly in the fall especially in Fairmount Park, I love the smell of autumn, the color of the leaves, the crispness of the air.”

Kathy McCauley
Associate Professor, Cardiovascular Nursing

“ Walking outside, really just being outside in nature in the woods, it’s a beautiful time of year.”

Linda Turner
Administrative Assistant, Nursing Academic Affairs

“Figure or ice skating. I love all the moves, the jumps and staying on your feet.” Does this mean watching figure skating? “No, I can still do it!”

John Washington
Administrative Assistant, Nursing Alumni Relations

“Playing football on Saturday. I play in the Philadelphia Social Club, there’s over 100 teams.” Why do you enjoy this? “Because I’m good.”

Kathy Bowles
Associate Professor, Nursing

“Cooking and eating Thanksgiving dinner. It contains a lot of my favorite foods, also it’s a time with family.”

Brian Bixby
Project Manager, Nursing

“Skiing in the winter—it gets you out into the cold—and in the autumn I like attending football games. Football just goes with autumn.”

Delleon McGlone
Retention Coordinator, Center for Urban Health Research

“Sixers games. They’re the only team in this city worth watching. Women go to see Allen Iverson, I go to see women.”

Sarah H. Kagan
Associate Professor, Gerontological Nursing

“Baking desserts with fruit or spices in them; it’s relaxing. I like to bake for students, I teach undergraduates. And then you’ve got good holidays, good times to get family together.”

— Jamal Shareef