University preps for UPennAlert test
Penn’s Division of Public Safety, in conjunction with Information Systems & Computing, will conduct a campus-wide UPennAlert Emergency Notification test on Feb. 29.
The purpose of this campus-wide test, DPS officials say, is to measure the effectiveness and timeliness of the new system’s infrastructure so that potential system challenges or capacity limitations can be identified. The test will also provide the community with an opportunity to experience the system in a non-crisis situation.
DPS officials point out the effectiveness of the system depends upon individuals providing accurate and up-to-date personal contact information. DPS and ISC urge all members of the Penn community to register or update their cell phone numbers, office desk phone numbers, and email addresses no later than noon on Feb. 28. Registration of cell phone numbers is preferred so that University officials can communicate with its members wherever they happen to be.
Faculty and staff can register or update their contact information by visiting and using their PennKey to log into "Update Directory Listings."
For more information about the test and the UPennAlert system, visit