From the presses ...
Penn’s various presses have been busily cranking out some new titles—from business to international affairs, ancient studies to contemporary art. Here, we highlight a few choice selections from Penn Press, Penn Museum Publishing, Wharton School Publishing, and the ICA.
Penn Press
“Billy Graham and the Rise of the Republican South”
By Steven P. Miller
In this book, Miller considers the critical but largely underappreciated role of internationally renowned evangelist Billy Graham during the creation of the modern American South. As the nation’s most powerful evangelist, Graham influenced many of the developments that drove people to place the South at the center of political, cultural and religious trends.
“Paris in the Middle Ages”
By Simone Roux; Translated by Jo Ann McNamara
In the Middle Ages, Paris was Europe’s largest, most cosmopolitan city—home to royalty, shopkeepers and thieves alike. In this book, Roux peers into these city dwellers’ private lives, examining the university-dominated streets of the Latin Quarter, the clerics of Notre Dame, the merchants of the Right Bank and the royalty of the Louvre. She unpacks the lingo of street insults, makes sense of patron saints and reveals how people actually ate, worked and worshipped in the early days of this magnificent city.
“Frantic Panoramas”
By Nancy Bentley
Bentley, an associate professor of English at Penn, examines how the emergence of mass culture such as tabloids, amusement parks and Wild West shows affected literary culture in America from 1870 to 1920. Unlike many historians who argue that pop culture undermined the literary world, Bentley says it was actually a time of transformation for many writers, including Henry James, Edith Wharton and Pauline Hopkins.
“Thirteen Miles from Paradise”
Edited by Lynn Marsden-Atlass
Penn Fine Arts Professor and department chair John Moore is often described as one of the leading realist painters of his generation. This book, edited by Arthur Ross Gallery Director Marsden-Atlass, and based on the Gallery exhibition of the same name, focuses on Moore’s work about Paradise, Pa.—a rural town that is the antithesis of industrial life in America.
University Museum Publications
“The Tlingit Encounter with Photography”
By Sharon Bohn Gmelch
In the 19th century, the Tlingit of southeastern Alaska encountered numerous Russian and American survey teams, tourists and commercial photographers. This book—the first that explores the photographic imagery of the Tlingit during this critical period of change—presents insights into the motivations and reactions of the Native subjects to being photographed and documented.
Wharton School Publishing
“Work Wanted”
By James W. Walker and Linda H. Lewis
As people live longer, many want to work and pursue their interests longer, too. The authors pack this clever how-to guide with practical checklists, references, and case studies for doing just that, while exploring the myths and falsehoods about aging and retirement.
“From Lemons to Lemonade”
By Dean A. Shepherd
Shepherd reminds readers of an important lesson: Everyone fails. It’s what you do after failure that makes all the difference. Shepherd explores proven techniques for successfully managing the emotional trauma of failure, objectively understanding what actually happened and turning today’s failure into tomorrow’s business triumph.
“Douglas Blau”
This illustrated catalogue documents Blau’s ICA installation from last fall that included picture epics and episodes from uniformly framed collages of postcards, film stills, paintings and photographs. The catalogue includes a fully illustrated checklist and an essay by ICA Senior Curator Ingrid Schaffner.
Originally published Feb. 19, 2009