Penn center helps design technology to improve child welfare
Penn’s Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice and Research is launching a groundbreaking program to improve the safety of abused and neglected children.
The Field Center is partnering with Montgomery County, Pa., Stewards of Change, Microsoft Corp. and Motorola to design the Information Portability Project—an interoperable, real-time technology system that will allow caseworkers immediate access to critical information about children in need.
This first-of-its-kind web-based system will share information across human service systems and will be piloted in Montgomery County. Rugged, hand-held devices are being designed that will provide caseworkers immediate access to files and instant documentation, including the ability to upload photos and video while in the child’s home. These devices will also contain a GPS system for tracking home visits.
Named in honor of Joseph and Marie Field, the Field Center is a collaboration among Penn’s schools of Social Policy & Practice, Law and Medicine and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia that is focused on critical reform of the systems that serve abused and neglected children. The Center spent three years researching the Portability Project. The Hite Foundation, in memory of Sybil E. Hite, funded the initial multi-year grant that led to the current initiative.
Originally published on May 27, 2009