Penn on Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter and iTunes U

Penn’s official presence on social networking and multimedia sites is on the rise. Currently, the University has a Facebook page, a portal on iTunes U , and a presence on three other popular sites: Twitter, YouTube and Flickr.

On Facebook, anyone with an account can sign up to be one of Penn’s nearly 5,000 fans sharing news, pictures and gossip.

Penn’s YouTube channel features a growing playlist of videos from 13 subscribers, including Knowledge@Wharton, Penn Video Network, Penn Alumni, Penn Libraries and Penn Museum. The videos range from 60 second lectures from faculty experts, to more lengthy coverage of prominent University events.

Penn’s Flickr site provides a window into campus life through photos. Those with a Flickr account can join Penn’s Flickr Pool and submit photos to the University’s collection.
Twitter, the newest social networking site, is a micro-blogging service that enables members to send and read other users' short updates, known as tweets. More than 1,200 people have signed up to “follow” Penn’s Twitter feed, which features streaming updates about Penn news and events.

Penn on iTunes U features downloadable video and audio tracks from schools, centers and departments around the University. Users must have iTunes installed on a computer to access the free content.