'West Philadelphia: Building a Community' public events
These public events are happening in conjunction with the Arthur Ross Gallery exhibit, “West Philadelphia: Building a Community.” For more information, go to www.upenn.edu/ARG.
Sept. 10, 5:30 p.m., Arthur Ross Gallery, 220 S. 34th St. Lecture: “Picturing Early West Philadelphia,” by Jeffrey Cohen, senior lecturer, Growth and Structures of Cities Program, Bryn Mawr College
Sept. 16, 5:30 p.m., Arthur Ross Gallery Lecture: “Before the Arrival of the University: David Kennedy and ‘West Philadelphia,’” by Martha Mel Edmunds
Sept. 23, 6 p.m., The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust St.
Lecture: “Lights & Shades: William Birch’s Legacy to David Kennedy,” by Kim Sajet, president & CEO, HSP
Sept. 26, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Arthur Ross Gallery Free Family Day, with activities, food and fun for all ages
Sept. 30, 5:30 p.m., Arthur Ross Gallery Lecture: “West Philadelphia Community History Center,” by Walter Licht, Penn History Department; and Mark Lloyd, director, University Archives and Records Center
Oct. 7, 5:30 p.m., Arthur Ross Gallery Panel discussion: “Building Bridges: Penn and West Philadelphia,” moderated by Ira Harkavy, associate vice president and director, Netter Center for Community Partnerships