DPS Advisory Service provides updates about area traffic issues
Traffic around campus can sometimes make it feel like we’re still stuck in the midst of the SEPTA strike. Chestnut and Walnut streets are often backed up for miles, with cars, buses and bikes moving at a snail’s pace. The closure of the South Street Bridge has only intensified the congestion and frustration, and it may be yet another year before the Bridge project is complete.
A new initiative from the Division of Public Safety aims to help eliminate some of the frustration by giving commuters a heads-up on potential trouble spots.
Distributed by email, the advisories include news about events around campus that may cause detours, as well as weather emergencies, construction, street closures, and other obstructions and inconveniences throughout University City.
The advisories offer detailed information, such as which streets or blocks are affected, the reason for the traffic problems and the time and duration of the advisory.
“Signing up for Public Safety advisories is another way for the Penn community to ensure that they’re aware of what’s happening on and around campus,” says Maureen Rush, Penn’s vice president for Public Safety.
To sign up for the Penn DPS Advisory Service, visit www.publicsafety.upenn.edu and click on “Sign Up for Public Safety Alerts” at the bottom of the page, on the left.