Where can I buy stamps in U. City?

Dear Benny:
I recently stopped by the Franklin Building to purchase stamps from the automatic machine, but when I got there, I saw that the machine is gone. Where do I go now in the neighborhood to buy stamps?
—Signed, sealed, delivered

Dear Signed,
As of late last month, the U.S. Postal Service’s automatic stamp machine in the lobby of the Franklin Building was out of operation.

As an alternative, you can hoof it a few doors down to the CVS at 3401 Walnut St. to purchase books of stamps.

If you’re a TD Bank customer, you can always stop by the branch at 3731 Walnut St. to purchase stamps from the ATMs in the lobby. As for non-TD Bank customers? Be forewarned that you’ll have to pay an ATM fee on top of the cost of the stamps.

If you happen to work on the western edge of campus (or are just itching to take a nice stroll during your lunch hour), you can purchase your books of stamps from the service window in the foyer at the Fresh Grocer, located at 4001 Walnut St.

You can also walk down the block to the University City Post Office at 228 S. 40th St. The small branch is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and has an automatic stamp machine. That automatic machine might be your best bet, as the tiny post office gets especially crowded during lunchtime hours.

For those on the eastern edge of campus, your best option is the new full-service post office building, now located at 3000 Chestnut St., which also features automated stamp machines. This location is open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Of course, if you don’t need the stamps right away, you can always order a book for $8.40 or a five-pack of books for $42 from the Postal Service’s website: www.usps.com. Stamp subscriptions are also available either once- or twice-monthly.

Got a question for Benny? Send it via e-mail to current@pobox.upenn.edu or via regular mail to the Current, 200 Sansom Place East, 3600 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6106.