Amanda Mott

Director of News and Media

Amanda Mott manages media relations related to the Office of the Executive Vice President which includes facilities and real estate, Penn’s Climate Action Plan, student financial services, business services, campus housing and dining, and the endowment. In addition, she covers Commencement and Penn Global including Perry World House, the Penn Wharton China Center, and the Penn Biden Center. 

This is your Brain

Ei delenit feugait contentiones sit, dicta detracto recusabo te est. In sea duis dolor eligendi, id mei nostrum detraxit delicatissimi, pri sonet iisque admodum ad. Vidisse scripta neglegentur ex duo. Postea facilisis at sed, vel nostro numquam maiorum ex.

Amanda Mott

Penn’s New College House Named ACE Urban Project of the Year

The University of Pennsylvania's New College House, designed by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Architects and constructed by INTECH Construction, has received the 2016 Urban Project of the Year awarded by the Architecture, Construction and Engineering Mentor Program of Eastern Pennsylvania. 

Amanda Mott