Who, What, Why: Nursing student and Peace Corps alum Eva Farrell
Serving in the Peace Corps as a math and science teacher in Kenya from 2012 to 2014 inspired MSN student Eva Farrell to go into nursing.
Leading on health equity through innovative design
Penn Nursing held its second Summer Innovation Institute, with a focus on collaborative design and co-creation for health equity.
Understanding inequities in nurses’ moral distress during COVID-19
New research from Penn Nursing shows how poorer resources and communication in hospitals where Black patients predominantly access care impacts feelings of moral distress among nurses.
My Climate Story expands across continent with Campus Correspondents
My Climate Story, a project from the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities, now has 12 correspondents gathering climate stories from 12 campuses across North America.
How deadly parasites choose to be male
Penn Vet researchers reveal the gene expression across the life cycle of Cryptosporidium and identify the determinant of maleness.
How much gossip is needed to foster social cooperation?
Researchers Mari Kawakatsu, Taylor A. Kessinger, and Joshua B. Plotkin in Penn’s Department of Biology developed a model incorporating two forms of gossip to study indirect reciprocity.
The case for omega-3 supplementation to lower aggression
A new meta-analysis by neurocriminologist Adrian Raine shows that omega-3 supplementation can reduce aggressive behavior across age and gender.
Celebrating family firsts and resourcefulness in the Class of 2024
Lynn Larabi, Crystal Marshall, and Jason Chu all entered Penn as first-generation college undergraduates and the children of immigrants and pursued different paths: political science, film, and finance and accounting.
Who, What, Why: Oulaya Louaddi on building community for nursing students
The fourth-year nursing student, who is about to graduate and start work in a cardiac intensive care unit, has been heavily involved in the Minorities in Nursing Organization all four years at Penn.
Going above and beyond in archaeology and museum work
Fourth-year Qi Liu has participated in every undergraduate program at the Penn Museum, done research for two senior theses in anthropology and art history, and joined excavations in the U.S. and abroad.