In Mumbai, waste sorters represent a crucial yet marginalized labor pool, diverting would-be trash from landfills by sorting and selling recyclables. President’s Engagement Prize recipients Svanika Balasubramanian and Peter Wang Hjemdahl will connect these workers to larger recycling operations through a digital marketplace.
Katherine Unger Baillie ・
In a new book, a biochemist, a sociologist, and an economist share insights into how biomedical discoveries become marketable innovations.
Katherine Unger Baillie ・
The princess met with President Amy Gutmann and leaders of Penn’s health schools on Thursday, April 5, to discuss future collaboration aimed at advancing health and science.
Katherine Unger Baillie ・
Observations from Puerto Rican river rocks, New Mexican sand grains, Italian ocean pebbles, and the lab lent Douglas Jerolmack and his team insight into a general geophysical process.
Katherine Unger Baillie ・
Finding food is a necessary survival skill, but so is avoiding pain. Research led by J. Nicholas Betley and postdoctoral researcher Amber Alhadeff showed that being hungry activates a neural pathway that inhibits the sensing and responding to chronic pain. The findings offer up new targets for treating pain.
Katherine Unger Baillie ・
The first full day of the Penn Teach-in engaged participants with expert panels on vaccine denial and firearm violence, an "evolutionary walk through time," and a dialogue on the production and dissemination of knowledge.
Katherine Unger Baillie, Michele W. Berger ・
Gum tissue stem cells heal twice as fast as skin, and researchers are determining their potential in accelerated wound healing research.
Katherine Unger Baillie ・
The Woodlands Grave Gardeners program, now in its third season, pairs volunteer gardeners with the park’s cradle graves—tombstones with a bathtub-like extension—to plant them with lush flowers, as the makers had intended.
Katherine Unger Baillie ・
Just as strep throat can run rampant in elementary schools, strangles, the “strep throat” of horses, caused by a different Streptococcus bacterium, Streptococcus equi sp equi, is highly contagious.
Katherine Unger Baillie , Katherine Unger Baillie ・
Increasing smallholder farmer efficiency while reducing their environmental impact are critical steps to ensuring a sustainable food source for the world’s growing population.
Katherine Unger Baillie ・