Katherine Unger Baillie

Empowering workers while reducing waste in Mumbai

In Mumbai, waste sorters represent a crucial yet marginalized labor pool, diverting would-be trash from landfills by sorting and selling recyclables. President’s Engagement Prize recipients Svanika Balasubramanian and Peter Wang Hjemdahl will connect these workers to larger recycling operations through a digital marketplace.

Katherine Unger Baillie

By river, ocean, or wind, rocks round the same way

Observations from Puerto Rican river rocks, New Mexican sand grains, Italian ocean pebbles, and the lab lent Douglas Jerolmack and his team insight into a general geophysical process.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Being hungry shuts off perception of chronic pain

Finding food is a necessary survival skill, but so is avoiding pain. Research led by J. Nicholas Betley and postdoctoral researcher Amber Alhadeff showed that being hungry activates a neural pathway that inhibits the sensing and responding to chronic pain. The findings offer up new targets for treating pain.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Opening the Teach-in by breaking down barriers

The first full day of the Penn Teach-in engaged participants with expert panels on vaccine denial and firearm violence, an "evolutionary walk through time," and a dialogue on the production and dissemination of knowledge.

Katherine Unger Baillie, Michele W. Berger

Grave Gardeners program reconnects the Woodlands and Penn

The Woodlands Grave Gardeners program, now in its third season, pairs volunteer gardeners with the park’s cradle graves—tombstones with a bathtub-like extension—to plant them with lush flowers, as the makers had intended.

Katherine Unger Baillie

The latest on preventing and treating 'strep throat' in horses

Just as strep throat can run rampant in elementary schools, strangles, the “strep throat” of horses, caused by a different Streptococcus bacterium, Streptococcus equi sp equi, is highly contagious.

Katherine Unger Baillie , Katherine Unger Baillie