Kristen de Groot

Matthew Levendusky’s ‘Our Common Bonds’

A new book by Matthew Levendusky of the School of Arts & Sciences shows that, although there is no simple solution that will eradicate partisan animosity, there are concrete interventions that can reduce it.

Kristen de Groot

The war in Ukraine: One year on

A panel of experts took the stage at Perry World House to consider the prospects for peace and what constitutes a victory in an insightful discussion about the war and what the future holds for both Russia and Ukraine.

Kristen de Groot

Bringing Ukraine to Penn

On the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, displaced and visiting scholars and students from Ukraine share their experience at Penn.

Kristen de Groot

Black Puerto Rican history

Ph.D. candidate Daniel Morales-Armstrong’s research considers whose voices and narratives prevail and whose are plagued by silences.

Kristen de Groot

The storm of 1928 and the tempest’s legacies

Brett Robert’s research looks at a hurricane that killed thousands across the Caribbean and into Florida. His work explores how racial relationships shape the way people live and die within their environments.

Kristen de Groot

The future of conservatism

A one-of-a-kind political science course taught by Deirdre Martinez of the School of Arts & Sciences and Evan McMullin, a Penn alum who was running for the Senate during the class, took students through the past and present conservative movement.

Kristen de Groot

The case for affirmative action with professor Cara McClellan

The Penn Carey Law professor and founding director of the Advocacy for Racial and Civil Justice Clinic shares how affirmative action benefits institutions and how the diversity it brings helps colleges and universities fulfill their educational missions.

Kristen de Groot