Lauren Hertzler
Deans Vijay Kumar, Katharine Strunk reflect on Commission’s final report
The Presidential Commission on Countering Hate and Building Community worked with constituents across Penn to determine a set of recommendations to move the University forward.
Lauren Hertzler ・
Dean Mark Wolff discusses the Antisemitism Task Force final report, and more
In a Q&A with Penn Today, the committee’s chair reflects on the process and outcome of a report months in the making.
Lauren Hertzler ・
Reconnecting on Penn’s campus
This year’s Alumni Weekend included panels, parades, parties, and so much more.
Lauren Hertzler ・
To Penn’s Class of 2024: ‘The world needs you’
The University celebrated graduating students on Monday during the 268th Commencement.
Lauren Hertzler, Brandon K. Baker ・
Fourth cohort of Projects for Progress recipients announced
The initiative, run out of the Office of Social Equity and Community, provides University funding up to $100,000 each to Penn teams taking on big social justice issues in the city.
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Class of 2024 celebrates Baccalaureate, unveils Ivy Stone and class pin
The same undergraduates who started at Penn during the pandemic gathered for the first of many Commencement season activities.
Lauren Hertzler ・
A greener approach to end the academic year
Efforts have expanded this year to ensure student Move-Out for the summer break is more clean, green, and convenient than ever before. On campus, PennMOVES—operated by Business Services—is in full effect, partnering with Goodwill to collect materials students can’t take with them when they leave campus.
Lauren Hertzler ・
Class of 2025 relishes time together at Hey Day
An iconic tradition at Penn, third-year students were promoted to senior status.
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A special reception for Penn’s Presidential Ph.D. Fellows
The initiative’s doctoral students recently gathered for an intimate networking opportunity alongside the University’s president, provost, and school deans.
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Awarding Penn’s extraordinary staff
The 25th Models of Excellence award ceremony brought together a huge crowd inside Harrison Auditorium, celebrating the people who ‘make Penn move.’
Lauren Hertzler ・