Move-in Day for Class of 2018
On Thursday, Aug. 21, and Friday, Aug. 22, more than 2,400 freshmen and their families arrived at Penn, unloading cars and pushing wheeled cardboard boxes filled with bedding, clothes, and other necessities to their new campus homes.
Grey clouds loomed on Friday, but despite the threat of rain, Penn President Amy Gutmann was on hand to welcome students and meet parents and family members. Joining President Gutmann was a team of more than 500 volunteers—composed of staff and upperclassmen—who helped guide students and their families around the University and assisted freshmen moving into the College Houses.
Move-in activities and festivities included a Student Services expo, parent information stations, photo booths, performances by the Penn Band, and appearances by the University mascot, the Penn Quaker.
This year, students, staff, and alumni shared their unique Penn experiences through social media by using the #MyPennStory and #LivePenn hashtags. Photo booths set up on campus let students and families document their own Penn stories by snapping images to share with friends via Instagram.
Move-in continued for freshmen on Friday, Aug. 22, and for upperclassmen on Saturday, Aug. 23. The 2014 fall semester begins on Wednesday, Aug. 27.