Education Policy

Anti-LGBTQ measures

Penn Law’s Tobias Wolff discusses the Florida “Don’t Say Gay” bill and a Texas directive on transgender children.

Kristen de Groot

Six takeaways from two years of online learning

As two full years of this explosion in virtual learning approaches, Penn GSE associate professor and director of the Penn Center for Learning Analytics Ryan Baker shares some thoughts on best practices, and which practices should be avoided.

From Penn GSE

Teaching beyond September 11

Penn GSE’s Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher says the lessons of 9/11 offer a chance for students to examine how the event has shaped much of the last two decades, in America and around the world.

From Penn GSE

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Education Week

The more students miss class, the worse teachers feel about their jobs

A study co-authored by Michael Gottfried of the Graduate School of Education finds that teacher satisfaction steadily drops as student absenteeism increases.


Rising student absenteeism may be hurting teacher job satisfaction

A study by Michael Gottfried and Ph.D. student Colby Woods of the Graduate School of Education finds that student absences are linked to lower teacher job satisfaction, which could exacerbate growing teacher shortages.


Chronicle of Higher Education

Stop treating students like babies

Jonathan Zimmerman of the Graduate School of Education organized an in-person 2016 discussion between Penn students and Republican students at Cairn University to foster productive conversation and find common ground.


The Washington Post

Time to lift the curtain on the college classroom

In an opinion essay, Jonathan Zimmerman of the Graduate School of Education says that there needs to be a sustained, nationwide effort to measure and incentivize good teaching.


USA Today

The yellow school bus—once a symbol of integration—is becoming a relic of another era

Michael Gottfried of the Graduate School of Education says that student learning suffers when school officials cut bus routes because children miss instruction time.


Education Week

How school leaders can learn to ‘disagree better’

Andrea Kane of the Graduate School of Education suggests that it’s important to “humanize” a person you disagree with.