Louisa Shepard
Senior News Officer
The bequest alongside the gift of Brown’s professional papers elevates the Penn Libraries’ position as a leader for research in medieval studies.
Brie Gettleson speaks about her role as a subject librarian with the Penn Libraries and liaison for the Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies.
The oldest film in Penn’s University Archives & Records Center documents the 1915 football game featuring Penn versus Cornell, played on Thanksgiving Day in front of a packed crowd at Franklin Field. Penn plays Cornell Nov. 9 in their 130th meeting.
While most know Williams Carlos Williams for his modern poetry, one of his oil paintings hangs in a reading room on Penn's campus.
A new exhibit at the Penn Libraries explores the myriad ways books move—as physical objects in different formats, and across space and time—featuring 24 items from the collection, a video wall displaying 26 additional items, and interactive models.
Kislak Center curator Alicia Meyer is researching a pair of gloves in the Penn Libraries collection rumored to have been William Shakespeare’s, enlisting the help of Tessa Gadomski in the Libraries conservation laboratory to see if the gloves could be from the 1600s.
In the second year of the Equity in Action Visiting Scholars program, the Office of Social Equity & Community will host Kemba Smith Pradia, a criminal justice advocate, and artist Makoto Fujimura and lawyer Haejin Fujimura for the 2024-25 academic year.
Tens of thousands of items related to public markets acquired by Penn alum David K. O’Neil create a collection unique in size and scope. Spanning four centuries from locations near and far, his collection now has a home at the Penn Libraries.
The Rittenhouse Orrery is a nearly intact 18th-century mechanical model of the solar system, demonstrating the motions of the planets and their satellites around the sun, built by astronomer David Rittenhouse.
During these hot days of summer, the cool of a garden water feature depicted in “In the Garden” by artist Jennifer Bartlett could provide some respite. Made of 270 one-foot-square steel plates painted with enamel, sections of the mural are installed in five locations in Van Pelt Library.
Louisa Shepard
Senior News Officer
A photography collection donated by Penn alum David K. O’Neil that chronicles Philadelphia’s Reading Terminal Market will open to the public in January as a permanent archive at the Penn Libraries’ Kislak Center.
Alicia Meyer and Tessa Gadomski of Penn Libraries are researching whether a pair of centuries-old gloves belonged to Shakespeare, with remarks from Zachary Lesser of the School of Arts & Sciences.
The manuscript for illustrator Wanda Gág’s diary, “Growing Pains,” is archived in the Kislak Center at Penn Libraries.
Alumnus Gary Prebula and his wife, Dawn, have donated a $500,000 comic book collection to Penn Libraries.
Alumnus Gary Prebula and his wife, Dawn, have donated a $500,000 collection of more than 75,000 comic books and graphic novels to Penn Libraries, featuring remarks from Sean Quimby of the Kislak Center.
Alumnus Gary Prebula and his wife, Dawn, have donated a $500,000 collection of more than 75,000 comic books and graphic novels to Penn Libraries, featuring remarks from Sean Quimly of the Kislak Center and Jean-Christophe Cloutier of the School of Arts & Sciences.