
A deep dive into digital humanities at Penn

The weeklong DReAM Lab, put on by the Price Lab for Digital Humanities and the Penn Libraries, offered participants the chance to study a range of subjects, from text analysis to augmented reality and Afrofuturism.

Michele W. Berger

A meeting of medievalists

More than 500 medieval scholars from the U.S. and Europe will be on campus for the annual Medieval Academy of America conference. Dozens of panels, workshops, and lectures about the Middle Ages will convene, many led by Penn faculty.

Louisa Shepard

Treasures revealed

It has taken nearly a decade for the Penn Libraries to sort and catalogue the contents of the Gotham Book Mart, the legendary New York City bookstore and publisher. A new exhibition, now on display through May 20, showcases a select 300 items.

Louisa Shepard

Leafing through the pages of medical library history

Rare gems, anatomical and botanical volumes, and the original library catalog are all housed in the Historic Medical Library at Pennsylvania Hospital, the first of its kind in the country.

Penn Today Staff

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In the News

Philadelphia Inquirer

The ‘magic of the market’

A photography collection donated by Penn alum David K. O’Neil that chronicles Philadelphia’s Reading Terminal Market will open to the public in January as a permanent archive at the Penn Libraries’ Kislak Center.


Philadelphia Inquirer

Penn has preserved a pair of gloves said to belong to Shakespeare. Did they?

Alicia Meyer and Tessa Gadomski of Penn Libraries are researching whether a pair of centuries-old gloves belonged to Shakespeare, with remarks from Zachary Lesser of the School of Arts & Sciences.


The New York Times

‘Millions of Cats’ and prints for grown-ups: Wanda Gág at the Whitney

The manuscript for illustrator Wanda Gág’s diary, “Growing Pains,” is archived in the Kislak Center at Penn Libraries.



How to give away a $500,000 comic book collection

Alumnus Gary Prebula and his wife, Dawn, have donated a $500,000 comic book collection to Penn Libraries.



How to donate 80,000 comic books—and get a marvelous tax break

Alumnus Gary Prebula and his wife, Dawn, have donated a $500,000 collection of more than 75,000 comic books and graphic novels to Penn Libraries, featuring remarks from Sean Quimby of the Kislak Center.


Philadelphia Inquirer

A collector donated 75,000 comic books to Penn Libraries, valued at more than $500,000

Alumnus Gary Prebula and his wife, Dawn, have donated a $500,000 collection of more than 75,000 comic books and graphic novels to Penn Libraries, featuring remarks from Sean Quimly of the Kislak Center and Jean-Christophe Cloutier of the School of Arts & Sciences.