Perry World House

What comes next for Syria

Perry World House held a discussion featuring Penn experts to confront the future of Syria after the fall of the Assad regime and what the world can expect.

Dan Shortridge

Former UN official on regressive gender-based policies

Speaking at Perry World House (PWH), former United Nations deputy high commissioner for human rights Kate Gilmore, a PWH Visiting Fellow, addressed regressive reproductive and gender-based policies that have gained traction globally.

Kristen de Groot

A trio of events welcome world leaders to Penn

In recent weeks, the Center for Africana Studies hosted the president of Sierra Leone and a former president of South Africa, while Perry World House had a conversation with a former leader of Peru.

Kristen de Groot

In the News

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

‘I screwed up’: When is a leader too old to lead?

A 2005 survey by Michael Horowitz of Perry World House and the School of Arts & Sciences found that older political leaders were more likely to initiate and intensify military conflicts than their younger peers.


South China Morning Post

The Philippine province caught in the cross hairs of U.S.-China rivalry

Thomas Shattuck of Perry World House says that the Philippine provinces closest to Taiwan would undoubtedly play a strategic role should a conflict occur with China.


Voice of America

U.S. bolstering Philippines amid increasing assertiveness by China

Thomas J. Shattuck of Perry World House says that greater interest in the Philippines by the U.S. and Japan will have a positive impact on Taiwan’s security.


Philadelphia Inquirer

Ways to help victims of war this holiday season

Perry World House Visiting Fellow Trudy Rubin shares resources to help those affected by war, including initiatives by the Center for Global Health and Penn Medicine.


International Institute for Sustainable Development

Climate change has a hitman: Responding to extreme heat

In an Op-Ed, Lauren Anderson of Perry World House urges the global policy community to take steps to prepare for and protect people from the heatwaves of tomorrow.



China could crush Taiwan’s economy. Why Beijing won’t bring the hammer down

In an Op-Ed, Thomas Shattuck of Perry World House says that Chinese bans on goods critical to Taiwan’s economy, like electronic parts, would also do damage to China’s economy and businesses.