Experts across the University share their thoughts on how 9/11 transformed their field, their research, and the world.
Penn GSE’s Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher says the lessons of 9/11 offer a chance for students to examine how the event has shaped much of the last two decades, in America and around the world.
The findings from an independent investigation into the handling of human remains following the 1985 MOVE tragedy were released after the report was shared directly with members of the Africa Family.
In a Q&A, Romance languages professor Odette Casamayor-Cisneros discusses the Cuban protests, government response, and the “sense of unity” among the Cuban people
The Penn chapter of Nurses for Sexual and Reproductive Health works to expand students’ engagement in Reproductive justice.
A new study finds that the quality-of-life policing is used by powerful institutions and privileged people to keep those with less privilege, including people of color, from accessing resources like the internet.
Penn GSE’s Amalia Dache traveled to Cuba in 2018 and 2019 to research the Afro Cuban experience, and the opportunities that existed—or were closed off from—the island nation’s significant Black population.
OMNIA’s final episodes look into how institutions have perpetuated racial hierarchies, how the past reverberates through the present, and consider what justice looks like.
In Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, the Supreme Court ruled that Arizona’s election laws—pertaining to out of precinct ballots and whether or not third parties can pick up and deliver absentee ballots—do not violate the Voting Rights Act.
The Class of 2022 law student works to identify biases and ‘stereotype threat’ in AI and help provide context for the conversation around mitigating those biases.
A new analysis by the Advocacy for Racial and Civil Justice Clinic at Penn Carey Law concludes that Philadelphia property conservatorships have come at the expense of vulnerable property owners, particularly Black and Asian American owners. Cara McClellan says that such petitions are filed in communities already at risk for gentrification.
A federal complaint filed by Penn Carey Law’s Advocacy for Racial and Civil Justice Clinic asserts that the Pennridge School District has failed to protect children of color and LGBTQ students, with remarks from Cara McClellan.
Matthew Jordan-Miller Kenyatta of the Weitzman School of Design sees an opportunity for Philadelphia to reset with an antiracist foundation, using Sankofa urban planning to incorporate Black history as a guide toward the future.
Cara McClellan of Penn Carey Law calls the claims that race-conscious admissions are unconstitutional a direct attack on more than 40 years of legal precedent.
Ben Struhl of the School of Arts & Sciences says that violent crime is rising for reasons separate from social justice protests.
Mary Frances Berry of the School of Arts & Sciences notes that nearly a dozen mayors in cities across the country have pledged to pilot reparations programs in their cities.