
Guaranteed income improved people’s health during the pandemic

Associate professor Amy Castro of the School of Social Policy & Practice shares the final results from the Stockton pilot program, which show connections between financial security and better health.

From the School of Social Policy & Practice Juliana Rosati

How to protect the integrity of survey research

Surveys provide a scientific way of acquiring information that inform policy and help society understand itself. In a new article, 20 experts from diverse fields offer a dozen recommendations to improve the accuracy and trustworthiness of surveys.

From the Annenberg Public Policy Center

The next generation of tiny batteries

Assistant professor James Pikul speaks to the growth of interconnected devices and the robotics industry—leading to emerging designs and novel research unlocking the potential for smaller, more powerful batteries

Nathi Magubane

Climate scientist Michael Mann makes a home at Penn

Known for his “hockey stick” graph that hammered home the dramatic rise of the warming climate, the climate scientist is now making his mark on Penn’s campus, both through his science and his work on communicating the urgent need for action on the climate crisis.

Katherine Unger Baillie

In the News


There’s still no standard test to detect pancreatic cancer early. Scientists are working to change that

A 2020 study from the Perelman School of Medicine found that a blood test to screen for certain biomarkers associated with pancreatic cancer was 92% accurate in its ability to detect disease.



Hedge funder famous for his ‘black swan’ strategy says there’s ‘something immoral’ about America’s reliance on debt—and future generations ‘will bear the burden for this’

A 2023 study by the Wharton School found that the U.S. has about 20 years left for corrective action to fix the national debt before it hits 200% of GDP.



Can money buy you happiness? Yes, it can. However…

Research by Matthew Killingsworth of the Wharton School reveals there is no monetary threshold at which money's capacity to improve well-being diminishes.



Sugar-coated gold nanoparticles could replace some antibiotics

According to a Penn Medicine study, a new therapy involving laser light and sugar-coated gold nanoparticles can reduce tooth decay and infected wounds without needing antibiotics.


Associated Press

A new strategy to attack aggressive brain cancer shrank tumors in two early tests

A clinical trial led by Stephen Bagley of the Perelman School of Medicine suggests that targeting two associated proteins with CAR T cell therapy could be a viable strategy for shrinking brain tumors.


New Scientist

Alzheimer’s may be caused by a build-up of fat in brain cells

A study by Michael Haney of the Perelman School of Medicine suggests that the root cause of Alzheimer’s is a build-up of fat droplets in brain cells.