
First-year research is hands-on from the start

With the Penn Freshmen Exposure to Research in Biological Science program, students from communities that are underrepresented in STEM can jump-start their scientific careers with mentoring and opportunities to pursue original research.

Katherine Unger Baillie

A link between gun violence on TV and firearm deaths

Research from Annenberg Public Policy Center’s Daniel Romer and Patrick E. Jamieson found that gun use on television doubled from 2000 to 2018, rising in parallel with the proportion of homicides from firearms in the U.S. during the same period.

Michele W. Berger , Michael Rozansky

Hate crimes against Asians in Italy linked to economic woes

Research by political scientists Guy Grossman, Stephanie Zonszein, and Gemma Dipoppa shows hate crimes in Italy increased at the pandemic’s onset in areas where higher unemployment was expected, but not in places with higher infections and mortality.

Kristen de Groot

In the News


Dementia may not be as common among Parkinson’s patients as thought

A study by Daniel Weintraub of the Perelman School of Medicine suggests that dementia is not inevitable with Parkinson’s and is actually less common than presumed.


What happened to crash rates when one state legalized speed cameras?

A study by Erick Guerra of the Weitzman School of Design and colleagues suggests that speed cameras lead to a substantial and statistically significant reduction in fatalities and crashes.


WBUR Radio (Boston)

If you’re not getting a good night’s rest, it might be time for sleep ‘physical therapy’

According to a 2018 study from the Perelman School of Medicine, a quarter of Americans develop acute insomnia every year.


Philadelphia Citizen

Want students to succeed? Give them safe homes

A 2021 Penn study showed that home repairs in low-income, predominantly Black neighborhoods led to a decrease in crime.


Los Angeles Times

Study details ‘transformative’ results from L.A. pilot that guaranteed families $1,000 a month

Amy Castro of the Center for Guaranteed Income Research at the School of Social Policy & Practice and colleagues found that participants in a guaranteed income pilot program in Los Angeles experienced a host of financial benefits.


NBC News

Wildfire smoke is probably harming your brain

A study by Holly Elser of the Perelman School of Medicine finds that wildfire smoke exposure can significantly increase the risk of dementia.