Bethany Wiggin, founder of the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities, is working with public high school teachers across Philadelphia to incorporate climate education into the classroom.
Artists supported by the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities created tools for navigating unpredictable ecological challenges, then brought them to life in a series of public workshops at the Independence Seaport Museum.
The doctoral student in the School of Social Policy & Practice received the Joy Award from the Boris L. Henson Foundation and is writing a dissertation on teen parenting within the foster care system.
In her first book, Whitney Trettien of the School of Arts & Sciences experiments with printed and digital assets while examining bookwork from the 17th and 18th centuries.
Prints from 1934 to 2000 are featured in the current Arthur Ross Gallery exhibition, “From Studio to Doorstep,” through Aug. 21. The 37 Associated American Artists prints are part of the Penn Art Collection.
Penn anthropologist Theodore Schurr explains how the use of both ancient DNA and modern genetic materials revealed five paths into this western Pacific region of Oceania, and uncovered subtleties about the society’s marital customs.
Frederick R. Dickinson, professor of Japanese history and director of the Center for East Asian Studies, offers his take on Abe’s impact on Japan, foreign policy, and lessons we can draw from his killing.
Through a Netter Center ABCS course, Kikut worked with high school students and Penn undergrads to develop media messages that speak to the health needs and inequalities pertinent to adolescent Philadelphians.
Political scientist Brendan O’Leary, an expert on U.K. politics in the School of Arts & Sciences, offers his insight on what led to this moment, what might be next, and what it all means for the future of the U.K.
The Adversarial Collaboration Project, run by Cory Clark and Philip Tetlock, helps scientists with competing perspectives design joint research that tests both arguments.
A survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center finds that more Americans believe in the effectiveness of vaccines developed to protect newborns and seniors against RSV.
Amy Gutmann of the School of Arts & Sciences says that Germany is front and center in the economic problems currently afflicting Europe.
An October survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that the public’s trust in the U.S. Supreme Court has dropped to a record low.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson of the Annenberg Public Policy Center says that Donald Trump is far more hyperbolic on average than traditional presidential candidates, who still routinely claim that they will do something alone that can’t be done without Congress.
PIK Professor Desmond Upton Patton says that many schools don’t have a playbook for addressing student violence or helping pupils engage more positively online, in part because few researchers are studying the issue.