The “interstitium” may be a shock absorber to many organs and tissues.
An annual survey by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation includes Penn Medicine hospitals as top providers for quality and inclusive care for LGBT patients.
Mark Wolff will become the next Morton Amsterdam Dean of Dental Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, effective July 1.
Penn Wellness, a student-run organization, is hosting a series of events dedicated to increasing awareness of mental health issues and how anyone can help. It begins with a Campus Conversation and includes free yoga sessions, intervention training, discussions on mental health, Take Back the Night, and more.
A little more than a year into its podcast series, the Kleinman Center has hit its stride, bringing interesting and intriguing energy-related topics to a broad audience. Now, the key is to keep the momentum going.
Teen drivers are three times more likely to get into a fatal crash than their more-experienced counterparts. New research found a link between mistakes these new drivers make and self-reported ADHD.
Capping first-year medical resident hours may make for happier trainees, but directors and patients may be negatively affected.
Finding food is a necessary survival skill, but so is avoiding pain. Research led by J. Nicholas Betley and postdoctoral researcher Amber Alhadeff showed that being hungry activates a neural pathway that inhibits the sensing and responding to chronic pain. The findings offer up new targets for treating pain.
The first full day of the Penn Teach-in engaged participants with expert panels on vaccine denial and firearm violence, an "evolutionary walk through time," and a dialogue on the production and dissemination of knowledge.
The University is leveraging its expertise to fight the city’s opioid crisis on multiple fronts.
Stephen Cole of the School of Veterinary Medicine says that indoor cats are contracting bird flu through raw pet foods of poultry origin or raw milk products.
Aaron Richterman of the Perelman School of Medicine says that there are large and underappreciated benefits of cash-transfer programs, such as potentially ending a tuberculosis epidemic.
Henry Kranzler of the Perelman School of Medicine says that alcohol’s effects on the brain are observed more readily because it’s the organ of behavior.
A paper co-authored by PIK Professor Shelley Berger finds that patterns of “speckles” in the heart of tumor cells could help predict how patients with a common form of kidney cancer will respond to treatment options.
Drew Weissman and Scott Hensley of the Perelman School of Medicine are testing a vaccine to prevent a strain of H5N1 bird flu in chickens and cattle.