The Division of Recreation and Intercollegiate Athletics (DRIA) has announced updated spectator guidance for all home fall-sport competitions where spectators are permitted.
*All spectators in attendance (12 years old and above) must attest to having been vaccinated and to register their contact information in the event of a COVID exposure where follow-up from contact tracers is needed.
*Face coverings are required for all fans at all indoor and outdoor competition venues. Social distancing should be observed when possible. Spectators are reminded to monitor their health symptoms daily and not attend an event if they feel sick.
*Concessions, wrapped in individual containers, will only be made available for purchase to spectators at ticketed events. Fans are permitted to bring their own food and beverages into all other athletic facilities but are reminded to physically distance themselves from others when removing face coverings to eat and drink.
*Spectators should RSVP, attest to vaccination requirements, and perform a daily symptom check the day of their intended attendance at non-ticketed fall sport competitions. Please click here to RSVP on game day.
Gates and doors open 60 minutes prior to the scheduled start of all non-ticketed fall sport competitions. (Guardians will attest for spectators aged 12-17 under their supervision). Spectators aged 5-11 will not be required to be vaccinated but must wear masks at all times. Spectators under the age of 5 are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings if able.
Fall-sport spectator guidelines fall under Penn’s updated guidance for On-Campus Events and Gatherings.
For more information, visit www.pennathletics.com.