Making History: The Campaign for Penn

With its sights set on the future, the University launched “Making History: The Campaign for Penn” in 2007, a $3.5 billion fundraising effort that will empower the University to push the frontiers of teaching, research and service.

President Amy Gutmann said the Campaign “is designed to make Penn an even greater university and an even more extraordinary force for good, here at home and around the world.”

In this edition of By The Numbers, we go inside the Making History Campaign.

$2.71 Amount, in billions of dollars, raised so far for the Making History Campaign.

$1 Goal, in billions of dollars, for Penn Medicine, the most of any school, followed by Wharton ($550 million), SAS ($500 million) and University Life ($426 million).

$100 Amount, in millions of dollars, donated to Penn by George A. Weiss, a Penn alumnus and chair of the Making History Campaign.

6 Number of key priorities in the Campaign: Faculty; Undergraduate Scholarships; Graduate & Professional Student Aid; Buildings & Renovations; Programs & Research and Unrestricted funds to empower the University to seize opportunities, confront challenges and pursue excellence.

$500,000 Cost to create a Freedom Scholarship, which meets the average grant need of one student each year in perpetuity.

$1.75 Amount of Campaign funds, in billions of dollars, that will be used to strengthen Penn’s endowment in support of the University’s goals for student aid, faculty recruitment and teaching and research programs.

3 Number of easy steps it takes to make gifts, pledges, or become a member of the University’s Making History Campaign. For more information, visit