Penn in the Sixties

Penn was by no means as radical as the University of California at Berkeley, or Columbia University, in the turbulent and tumultuous 1960s, but the University did see its share of campus uprisings and sit-ins to protest civil rights violations, the lack of cultural studies, assassinations and the Vietnam War.

In this edition of By The Numbers, we give peace a chance with Penn in the Sixties.

1,200 Number of people who attended a teach-in at Irvine Auditorium in April of 1965 to protest the Vietnam War.

82 Number of male Penn students of draft age who signed the “We Won’t Go” petition in 1967. More than 400 Penn students signed the statement in support of the draft resisters.

5 Day, in April of 1968, when black students at Penn protested and mourned following the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. a day earlier.

67 Number of Penn faculty members whose names appeared on a June 5, 1966 petition in The New York Times calling on the U.S. government to re-evaluate its Vietnam policies.

1968 Year in which U.S. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy spoke at The Palestra during the 1968 presidential campaign. He was assassinated two months later.

50-plus Number of demonstrators who wore gas masks during the annual Hey Day march in 1967 as a protest against the University’s involvement in chemical and biological warfare research. Many of the demonstrators wore the traditional skimmer hat, but with black bands around the rim.