School of Engineering & Applied Science

Rethinking the computer chip in the age of AI

A team of researchers from the School of Engineering and Applied Science has introduced a computing architecture ideal for AI using an approach known as compute-in-memory.

From Penn Engineering Today

Defining neural ‘representation’

Neuroscientists frequently say that neural activity ‘represents’ certain phenomena, PIK Professor Konrad Kording and postdoc Ben Baker led a study that took a philosophical approach to tease out what the term means.

Marilyn Perkins

A robot made of sticks

Devin Carroll, a doctoral candidate in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, is designing a modular robot called StickBot, which may be adapted for rehabilitation use in global public health settings.

Kristina García

Bolstering environmental education in Cobbs Creek

Through a Projects for Progress award and other University support, students in West Philadelphia are gaining greater access to STEM learning resources at the Cobbs Creek Community Environmental Center.

Katherine Unger Baillie

Undergraduate research on display

Showcasing undergraduate student research with Penn faculty, a record 361 posters were on display with students presenting their work at the Fall Research Expo sponsored by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships in Houston Hall.

Louisa Shepard

Exploring what it means to be curious

In a new book “Curious Minds: The Power of Connection,” Penn’s Dani S. Bassett and twin sibling Perry Zurn weave together history, linguistics, network science, neuroscience, and philosophy to unpack the concept of curiosity.

Katherine Unger Baillie

In the News

Aiding Ukraine is in our national interest

In an opinion essay, School of Engineering and Applied Science third-year Arielle Breuninger from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, explains why the U.S. should have a clear interest in continuing active support for Ukraine against Russia.


Philadelphia Inquirer

New Penn AI master’s program aims to prep students for ‘jobs that we can’t yet imagine’

Chris Callison-Burch of the School of Engineering and Applied Science discusses Penn’s new online master’s program in artificial intelligence.


The Observer

The University of Pennsylvania is the first Ivy to offer an AI master’s

The School of Engineering and Applied Science has announced its first master’s degree in artificial intelligence, led by Chris Callison-Burch.


Penn Engineering rolls out an online master’s degree in AI, first in Ivy League

The School of Engineering and Applied Science has announced the first graduate program in artificial intelligence among Ivy League universities, led by Chris Callison-Burch.


NBC Philadelphia

Penn Engineering announces first Ivy League Master’s degree in AI

The School of Engineering and Applied Science has announced the first graduate program in artificial intelligence among Ivy League universities, led by Chris Callison-Burch.