Kristina García
News Officer
The Presidential Penn Compact Professor of Africana Studies teaches an undergraduate course, Popular Culture and Youth in Africa. He discusses successes and challenges of democratic reform in post-Cold War Africa.
In Herman Beavers’ English 101 class, students take an in-depth look at Toni Morrison, reading her 11 novels, writing thesis papers, and presenting on topics of interest to the class.
Efforts around campus aim to diversify those honored in portraits and rethink how to approach representation through art.
For five decades, the living and learning space has served as a home away from home for students, and the community has evolved into a family.
Wole Soyinka, the first African to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, spoke as the inaugural guest for the Distinguished Lecture in African Studies.
It’s been a long and uncertain road, with some groups shouldering a disproportionately greater burden of mental anguish from COVID-19. Yet now there’s a glimmer of hope. Has the page finally turned?
Professors and students reflect on 50 years of Black studies at Penn.
In the second annual University Forum on Social Equity and Community, the School of Arts & Sciences’ Barbara D. Savage moderated a conversation on interfaith activism.
Penn’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Symposium on Social Change will be virtual this year, offering events for adults and children of all ages.
Kwanzaa, an African American cultural holiday, starts on Dec. 26 and goes through New Year’s Day. At Penn, it's a time to come together and take stock.
Kristina García
News Officer
At a Philadelphia panel on Project 2025, PIK Professor Dorothy Roberts said that Black women would have even greater numbers of unwanted pregnancies without access to legal contraceptives.
PIK Professor Dorothy Roberts has been named a MacArthur Fellow for her work on racial inequities in health and social-service systems.
PIK Professor Dorothy Roberts has received the “genius grant” for her efforts to expose racism embedded in social-support programs, such as the child welfare system.
PIK Professor Dorothy Roberts says there’s widespread devaluing of certain people’s childbearing from negative stereotypes to laws that deny someone extra benefits if they get pregnant while on welfare.
Howard Stevenson of the Graduate School of Education says that scientific studies often influence and inform intervention strategies, including his own as director of the Racial Empowerment Collaborative.
PIK Professor Dorothy E. Roberts and Kathleen M. Brown and Mary Frances Berry of the School of Arts & Sciences comment on Rep. Byron Donalds’ comparison of modern Black culture to the Jim Crow era.