Energy Science

A greener, cleaner way to extract cobalt

Penn researchers led a collaborative effort pioneering safer, more sustainable technique to extract elements critical to battery-powered technologies. Findings pave the way for getting value from materials that would otherwise be considered waste.

Nathi Magubane

In the News

Associated Press

EPA head urges Trump to reconsider scientific finding that underpins climate action, AP sources say

Michael Mann of the School of Arts & Sciences says that the latest form of climate denial is to pretend climate change isn’t a threat rather than denying that it’s happening.


Exxon CEO wants Trump to stay in Paris climate accord

Michael Mann of the School of Arts & Sciences voices his concern about the possibility that the U.S. could become a petrostate.


Associated Press

Amid Earth’s heat records, scientists report another bump upward in annual carbon emissions

Michael Mann of the School of Arts & Sciences says that total carbon emissions including fossil fuel pollution and land use changes such as deforestation are basically flat because land emissions are declining.


New report accuses Citibank of funding fossil fuel projects amounting to environmental racism

Michael Mann of the School of Arts & Sciences says that from an ethical standpoint banks and investment firms should no longer be financing new fossil fuel infrastructure.


Associated Press

Demand for rare elements used in clean energy could help clean up abandoned coal mines in Appalachia

John Quigley of the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy at the Weitzman School of Design says that the things that have created climate change can be a solution for it if handled smartly.


Fast Company

Dirty water, more pollution, and oil wells on public lands: How a second Trump term would torpedo the environment

Michael Mann of the School of Arts & Sciences says that Project 2025 would completely undermine any U.S. action on climate and signify an abdication of American leadership to the world.